Fershad Irani

Digital Sustainability Consultant
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A handsome, bald man with coffee coloured skin sitting at a table smiling.

Hey, I'm Fershad

Hey, I'm Fershad. I am a digital sustainability consultant working with the Green Web Foundation towards a fossil free internet by 2030.


A few of the best projects I've worked on.

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  • Grid-aware websites - Giving developers to ability to make their websites react to changes in the energy grid.

  • CO2.js - A JavaScript library that allows developers to estimate digital emissions.

  • Are my third parties green? - A tool to show if the third-party resources on a website are hosted on green infrastructure.


Notes and ideas mostly related to digital sustainability, occasionally other topics.

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Here's a list of articles I've recently read.

Last updated:
Sat, 28 Dec 2024 01:32:47 +0000
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I do a bit of film photography while I'm out and about.
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See more @ film.fershad.com
Five people sit on a platform at the edge of a river at night. In front of them 5 fires a lit. Behind them a large crowd of people watch on.

Fire rituals in the River

India | 2024-09

The nightly rituals along the River Ganges in Rishikesh can be heard throughout the town (unless you're stuck in traffic, then you just hear car horns).